January 12, 2007

  • because i feel like writing something!

    it’s been a long time since i made a real blog post, and for any of you
    who actually happen to READ this, you’ll get sick of reading my
    messages to my boyfriend while he is at work. :)

    today was a homeopathic kind of day.  went to get dan for lunch
    with mom and sister and then went to magic mill and shopped a little…
    got this new stuff called sinus rescue, it’s supposed to kill all the
    bacteria and fungus that make mermer go sneezy achoo sniffle booger
    bleh!  it’s ionic silver (>30ppm in purified water) which i
    have read about and i suggest you do the same.  their website is
    www.peacefulmountain.com if you want to learn about their products
    (which have great testimonials) or you can just google ionic silver and
    learn about it.  don’t pay attention to the stupidness about
    people turning “grey” from silver poisoning, you have to like, eat a
    chunk of pure silver in order for that to happen.  and yes, it’s
    happened to people who tried to do ionic silver treatments for
    themselves, but they were doing it in extremely high concentrations.
    30ppm is 30.  parts of ionic silver, in 1 million parts of
    water.  find me someone who says that’s a high
    concentration.  i dare you. :P

    anyways that’s enough ranting about that. 

    my roommate, nathan, just got home from his new job, at cosi, this
    restaraunt on state street…. sort of like a
    noodles/panera/starbucksofsandwichesfoodstuff.  he was wearing his
    uniform, and my sister, becky, and i all started laughing hysterically
    at him…. he looks like a really big dweeb.  then he starts
    telling us this story about how one of his female coworkers was hitting
    on him… which is funny, because nathan is one of the gayest gay men
    i’ve ever met.  it’s hard to miss.  but this girl missed
    it.  must have been those super straightleg khakis… they make
    you look like a manly man.  lol!

    i cant help but imagine myself telling that story and sounding like a complete ditzy valleygirl abercrombie whore.  lol

    and now he’s playing the same madonna cd as usual… *boogies*

    latest rant in merland: my living situation for next year.  my
    landlord sold our house and next year the rent is supposed to go up 500
    dollars.  FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS.  that’s $100 more for each
    person per month.  that’s
    </freakout>  so we were planning on living here again and
    finding another person to move in, since dan will be moving in. (josh
    and nathan are moving to chicago)  it was going to kick ass… and
    not moving sounds like such a nice idea.  moving is a pain in the
    ass.  but now, none of us can afford $100 more a month.  so
    now there’s talk of everyone splitting up.

    i am at odds with the whole situation because i really don’t want to
    move, and i know things will really improve next year without nathan
    and josh controlling the public spaces of the house… i will be able
    to actually unpack… finally?  (i have an entire closet full of
    decorations, and a whole dresser drawer packed with candles.) 
    (nathan, who is now in his underwear ((grey tighty-whities)) just
    yelled “if you girls dont stop leaving the curtain open i’m going to
    chop off your clits!!”  do you see what i mean?)  plus with
    dan moving in we’d have dan’s room for computer/entertainment purposes,
    and i would be able to have more space in my room to BREATHE. 
    plus i like having roommates, it’s more fun (even if you don’t get
    along with some of them very well,) there’s always something going on,
    someone to bitch to, and i hate being alone.  i lived with a
    boyfriend/exboyfriend for a whole year and it got pretty lonely just
    two people… i was either alone or avoiding jack (in the end). 
    so i am wary to move in with just dan alone.  it’s not good for my
    mental health… even though i know it would be radically different
    than living with jack.  (read: enjoyable; not hell; not

    but on the other hand, i would like to have my own place where i can
    put whatever i want wherever i want and i don’t have to worry about
    what other people are going to think.  i can have my bath products
    in the bathroom, not in my closet.  i’d like to have my own washer
    and dryer again.  i’d pay $100 more a month for working plumbing
    (as in not freezing, scalding, freezing, scalding…), a washer and
    dryer in unit, and a parking space.  that would be worth $100 more
    a month to me.  (and i can get 2 of those 3 from the apartments
    that my coworker jeanne is living in with her boyfriend right now…
    everything but the washer/dryer, all for the same rent, just pay
    electric and cable.)

    anyways i’d love to continue to rant, but this must be left where it is.. i have to go pick dan up from work ;)

    going to cheeseburger in paradise with craig and tiff, then i guess
    verona? for some graduation party at a bar… i have no idea.

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