Month: November 2007

  • i have 44 hearts now, but still no sales.

    obviously, not that dedicated to the whole 30days thing right now, the next steps involved editing EACH of my items and i don’t know if it’s really worth my time.

    on tuesday, i took some jewelry to a couple of shops in my neighborhood and within an hour and a half i’d sold 10 pairs of earrings.  of course i had to sell them at “wholesale” prices so i made about half what i would have if i sold them directly to the customer.

    but it kind of puts my 2 sales in october on etsy to shame.  thinking i’d do better spending my time actually MAKING jewelry instead of trying to promote myself and getting addicted to the etsy forums… lol.  though it is good for inspiration and making connections.

    i wont leave etsy, i am just not going to put any MORE effort than i already am into trying to get people to buy stuff there.  i’m hoping in the future it will just be a place people can buy my jewelry when they want MORE since they bought some from me before… hehe!

    so on another note, i am feeling more inspired lately than ususal and i find myself coming up with ideas for paintings and digital art as i’m falling asleep at night…

    anyways.  have to go to stoughton to feed the kitties at moms.